What to Do If You’ve Been Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

Falsely accued of sexual assault

If you have been falsely accused of sexual assault, you may already realise how damaging and disruptive it can be to your personal and professional life. The most constructive thing to do is to do some research on false allegations and find out the best ways of coping with the stress, as well as getting in touch with a team of professional solicitors.

We are all too aware that amongst the allegations of sexual assault, there are still many falsely accusations. Luckily, we are here to support you with your sexual assault claim. Our sexual offences solicitors can assist you in navigating the criminal justice system, and cover a wide range of offences including:

If you’ve been criminally charged in a sexual assault case, here’s what you should do.

1. Get in touch with a solicitor right away.

The first thing you should do (and waste no time in doing) is to get in touch with a solicitor who will represent you throughout your case. You will need the support from a solicitor if you are pleading not guilty against a claim. DPP Law are on hand to be with you every step of the way and will work tirelessly towards working with you to get the best possible solution in line with the law.

2. Make sure you have sufficient evidence.

Sexual assault claims are often a battle of one word against another, therefore if you have been falsely accused, supporting evidence will help strengthen your case and your story. Without evidence (such as alibis, for example) the jury may have a hard time deciding on whose word is stronger.

3. Do not act on anger towards the accuser.

One thing you must never do is act on any anger or resentment you may feel towards your accuser, as this is a sure fire way to weaken your case and can also bring other legal implications, too.

For both personal and legal reasons, you should have absolutely no contact with the other party outside of the courtroom. It is simply not worth jeopardising your position for.

4. Do not show anger in court.

Though we understand this is likely to be a frustrating situation you are in, you should also make sure you do not show any signs of anger in court either. Causing unrest in court can be damaging towards your claim and may also alter a jury’s perception of you.

5. Be patient and remain positive.

It’s a difficult and trying process being falsely accused of sexual assault of any kind, but with the right defence and the right support from friends and family, you will get through it in one piece. DPP Law takes your case very seriously and will look to clear your name in due course, but remain patient and positive in the face of adversity.

Read more about what constitutes sexual assault here, and contact us today for more help and guidance.